(Warning, this is a "political post": but, we believe without a doubt that it is God who sets up and takes down kings, and ultimately they SERVE Him - God IS the KING over all kings and HE is on His Throne. Uganda needs PRAYER, above all. This is not a post against Museveni, but about democracy , and for the people!) Samuel wrote a beautiful post about his country, and the need for peaceful change, that I wanted to share. It is in response to the recent unrest and protests over the proposed Constitutional change, allowing for President Yoweri Museveni to continue as President, even in his old age. He has already changed the Constitution, to allow himself to "serve" as President for more than two terms. He has been in power since he was sworn in, after (during) a war on Obote, as the new president. Museveni promised a return to democracy at his inauguration on January 29, 1986: "The people of Africa, the people of Uganda, are entitled to a dem...
Charity Okurut is an author and blogger who is passionate about sharing through script about theological and sometimes political subjects, as well as from her personal experiences through travel, Christian Ministry, homeschooling, and parenting on the mission field. Charity and her husband, Samuel are the founders and current directors of The Father’s Heart Foundation in El Salvador. The Foundation is establishing a sustainable community for the holistic care of orphaned children.