Here is a little update on my health...
All of the neurology and rheumatology appointments went well and there was no pathological reason for a stroke, my brain and heart are all normal -praise God! A hair analysis did show heavy metals, and the neurologist said the symptoms were all “migraine-related” (did you know you can have a migraine without a headache?) The advice is to do a heavy-metal detox, take supplements like magnesium and Ubiquinol (among others), to have massage therapy, do stretches, and to rest more. My diagnosis was also changed from Lupus to Fibromyalgia-which have similar symptoms, but which means that there is no risk to organ damage or deterioration (I also have a congenital back problem which adds to the pain and stress on my body).
If you missed why I was seeing a Nuerologist in the first place, here is what I wrote in July:
I had a mini stroke or TIA (Transient Ischemic Attack), on Saturday June 22nd. Below is what I wrote on facebook:
So, I was getting ready to go out yesterday, pushing through how I was feeling (like jet-leg), when my husband stood behind me and noticed my face in the mirror. The left side of my face wasn’t moving the same as the right. He asked my mom to bring me to the ER while he brought kids for their field trip... after a CT scan and exam by a neurologist, I was diagnosed as having had a small stroke.
Most of you know that I have lupus and my symptoms vary but are usually like arthritis, but I sometimes have “brain fog”. And you may know that the past couple of months my brain has been “worse” and I have had several migraines that I thought were from MSG (and may have been), I also blacked out about a month ago, but was going to wait until after our concert before seeing a doctor 😉 - until I had a stroke 😉
I am at SMH, being thoroughly checked -have had an MRI, will have a spinal tap, had an ultrasound of my heart, and several rounds of blood work. The neurologist is looking for the cause of the stroke and/or confirming that it is a lupus-related stroke (meaning that this lupus “flare up”, as an autoimmune disease, is attacking the DNA of my brain rather than the DNA of my joints or liver or other organ, as happens with lupus. (Though, now, I am being told that Lupus is not the right diagnosis -and more tests are needed)
Please pray for wisdom and answers and of course healing. Right now, I feel “fine” except for a low-grade migraine and a little “brain fog”. We are surrounded by God’s presence and peace and appreciate your prayers! Thank you!
(AND, please plan to come out to the concert Thursday, I hope to be there too!)
Thank you for praying for me! I am getting back to normal, and the migraine is gone! (Left

with some residual headache). Waiting to see rheumatologist in the morning before being discharged from hospital (praying for early morning!)
“Although the precise pathophysiology responsible is not completely understood, several mechanisms have been hypothesised; in this context, inflammation and endothelial cell activation and damage play a crucial role.” On stroke risk of under 50yr old women with Lupus...basically inflammation and other factors can cause a stroke or something like a stroke in people with Lupus. More to learn, especially for prevention, but so far, I know that I am otherwise “healthy” and not at any cardiovascular risk for stroke, MRI was clear, but the CT contrast scan showed “something”... pray for wisdom and provision in moving forward with keeping inflammation down and helping brain and body. Pray for complete healing of “brain fog”, migraine, fatigue, “arthritis” and of lupus in general!
I believe that I AM healed and have complete healing because of the Cross - I also know that while GOD DOES HEAL TODAY, HE IS NOT OBLIGED TO HEAL ME...He does EVERYTHING for HIS GLORY & for my ultimate and eternal good! He loves me and He offers grace that is sufficient...I have faith for healing, and also faith that God’s will and goodness and power are bigger and are sovereign over even my faith (ie any “lack of faith” cannot stop GOD’s power or Will!). I am filled with peace and JOY and can worship Him both in the pain and in the relief of pain!
I also know that while God receives glory in using my life, He does not NEED me. I cannot say that “it can’t be my time to die because I am not finished what God called me to” for example; He has planned the exact times and places for me and HE DELIGHTS in my delighting in and serving Him, but He does not need me. And, I am SO GLAD! It takes a lot of pressure off -especially when I was the one “planning” our benefit concert. The concert doesn’t depend on me, because the work doesn’t depend on me, because GOD DOESN’T DEPEND ON ME. BUT, AS LONG AS I DO HAVE BREATH, I WILL STRIVE TO USE IT FOR HIS GLORY AND WILL DO THE TASK HE HAS GIVEN ME, with His strength and with the zeal of it being the task assigned to me “as if it depended on me” (while also learning to delegate, work as a team when God provides people, and trust that He will raise leaders up)... ( somehow that makes sense to me)
Therefore, I will run with ENDURANCE, the race that is set before me, FIXING MY EYES ON JESUS, the AUTHOR and PERFECTOR of faith, who for the JOY set before Him, endured the cross, despising it’s shame ...
Please keep praying, come out to worship with us on Thursday if you are in B.C.! Take up the cause of the orphan! And, while you have breath, do what God has set before you, and do it with all of your strength as unto Him! Time is short!